Art style Survey

In News by Daniel Sun26 Comments

I’m running a survey on the future of the Armed with Wings art style. I’d love to get as much input as possible.

People who know my games well, your opinion is especially important.

The question is: Should Armed with Wings introduce higher levels of detail into it’s models, or should they remain completely black silhouettes?

Take a look at these images – the left features fully shaded character silhouettes, and on the right is more shaded, detailed models.





Please vote and voice your opinion on your preference.
Guest users, please vote / voice your opinion – no registration is required.

Blackout, a user here on Sun-Studios has posted a lengthy thread debating the art style of Armed with Wings. Check out his post here.


  1. in my opinion men you should leave fully black ( the characters) because thast give it a more mysterious aspect more cool thinked men

  2. Hello Dan,
    I read the (admittedly lengthy) forum thread about your artwork, and he actually opened my eyes to how you can professionally observe art, contrast, and camera angle. In my opinion, your more detailed art style is my pick (at the moment, as you might also trail off from my expectations), but since such a sizable portion of fans do not want you to be lead away by your own evolving artistic talent, you should stick with pure black for now. When you have the time and energy, you can make alternating options. In fact, you could make it like Halo: Master Chief Collection where you can alternate art styles on the fly. But what I can say for sure, is do not be carried away to a point where your character seems just. . .ordinary. Take his advice about contrast, and make your character unique, no matter which art style. Every background can be detailed and shaded to pinpoint detail if that’s what you want, but the protagonists, you the player, must always stand out either by the simplicity or complexity of the artwork.

    1. P.S. I’m trying to register to the sun-studios forums, but the confirmation registration is confusing me. What am I supposed to do? “I am a plumber, fat, and wear a red hat. Who am I?” I don’t know how to answer that.

    2. Author

      Good point Alex. The artist within me needs to include a certain level of detail to produce a beautiful looking game – I’m sure I’ll find a balance that will look amazing and have everyone happy 🙂

  3. In my own opinion it should be the detailed one because in your first game, armed with wings 1 everything is simple then the second game comes up wich is armed with wings 2 everything is a little detailed then the third game comes up and that is armed with wings 3 everything is detailed the attacks are well and the power blasts are sweet and in the 4th game armed with wings culmination are extremely detailed and nice new color setting and the attacks are very cool especially the power blast combo moves they are extremely cool and in the big one it wouldn’t hurt to upgrade the graphics especially the characters they need to be upgraded same with the graphics I would want to add a new setting to your game that setting is that you can choose what graphics you want the all black setting on character and for those who want some detail you can choose between this settings the ultimate black character and the detailed black character. I would like to see that setting in to your upcoming games so no fight between detailed characters and ultimate black characters

    1. Author

      Switching between detail and full black is likely the option i’ll go with. The BIGONE will look spectacular!

  4. Man, can’t believe I read this and Blackout’s entire post. It’s very interesting and gives out a lot of good points. This may be because I’m an artist myself but I love the new character designs and I’m totally for it. Though I do strongly agree that the silhouette representations of these characters are what made the AWW series really unique. (I’m really torn if this is a pick-one-or-the-other poll Because I love both.
    Which is why I’m really leaning towards Blackout’s compromise)

    Anyways, It’s my first time posting here and I just want to say that the AWW series is and will always be my favorite game, I’ve played many other platform games and nothing came close. Each new one that comes out I’m so immersed in the artwork and story that I just love it that much more. So thank you and keep ’em coming =D

    1. Author

      Hey Luis! I’m really happy to hear that you like the new detailed Armed with Wings style! Rest assured that my games will always look amazing – detailed or fully black. Thanks you so much for following Armed with Wings!!!

  5. I like the fully black. Because its not armed with wings without the blackness, am I right?

    1. Author

      Many people are suggesting a option to change styles, I like the idea of that. My characters ingame will still be silhouettes with a shade of detail.

  6. Why not include a toggle feature in the options menu? It’s not too difficult to quickly black in the shaded details. Also, you could do the first release with black and then update it/release two versions (maybe make extra cash on the side by making one version exclusive to a website?)

  7. Dude the detailed artwork is so. Freaking. Cool.
    A perfect way to capture the characters of such an explosive series!!!!

    1. Author

      Thank you! I’ve worked SO hard to get the character designs right 🙂

  8. I like the tiny hints of light, it makes the silhouettes feel a lot more like physically corporeal characters, and not just bits of artwork.
    I think you’ve struck a nice compromise between just silhouettes and fully detailed characters!

  9. YEA GO BLACK LOVE BLACK-BUT-use the more detailed version for cinematics(for the big one, of course-the cinematics in AWW3 were a big improvement,but smooth animations? MUHAHAHAHA)

    1. oh wait,how about instead of the detailed version,u make a version with more shaders instead?

    2. Author

      There will be an option to go fully black in the next Armed with Wings 🙂

  10. Stick to your old art style. the new one looks weird and creepy. Don’t change

  11. Hey dan, wow, what a debate. Now this is exiting and all, but a little scary also. Being in the process of making the newest AwW games (Arena, BIG ONE, etc.), I just hope you don’t lose sight of what is the defining factor. I love the idea of switching from detail to silhouettes, but what i found most enjoyable about AwW was the artistic game play. Culmination was sweet because the life-bars were dropped (weren’t bad, but nice to have as an optional thing imo) and the combo system was innovative and encouraged creativity.
    I also loved AwW 2 combat style since you could do mixture combat, like kicks to punches and punches to swords. Having an expanded fusion system like that i think is one I would enjoy the most, also mixing in specials like culmination’s power attack. That being said, I also enjoyed the charge attacks in AwW3 because it emphasized precision in combos and tactical positioning and energy conservation. All in all, no matter what you do with the series, i will certainly play your games, they have a distinct feel to them. In closing, i just want to add that I believe the best option is to expand on different types of fighting styles in different games, I know that whatever comes out next will be fun, but you gotta keep changing also to keep fans interested. Best of luck to you in all endeavors!

    1. Author

      Thank you for the supportive words! I’m sure that future Armed with Wings games will deliver and expand upon all the things that we love from previous games – chargeable attacks including (already returning in AwW Versus).

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